On Friday night and then again last night, not heaps mind you, but enough to wet the soil and maybe mean I don't have to water the radishes, onions and garlic or a couple of days. Hopefully it'll continue through the night as the reservoirs are very very empty here. It's still strange for me to have plants starting off and growing away in November, I reckon I'll just about have the hang of by the time we leave.
Obviously it was Rememberance Sunday today, so it was up to Church in best dress uniform (minus the jacket which has been hanging up ready in Akrotiri for the last 3 months, well apart from the gold braid for the sleeves, which they've run out of). Anyway it was interesting to see the old guys of the Cyprus core who all joined up in 1943.
Diving is going well, I've got an underwater camera housing, so can take pics now - and as to prove it here's a couple. One of fish and the other the underneath of the pier here.
I'm starting some coaching at the school next week, hopefully that'll kick start me on to get the FA badge, we'll see how it goes.